As a local business operating within Shropshire for almost 100 years, we clearly understand the needs and requirements of local businesses and the challenges our unique county presents. Through a dedicated team of business experts we can help you find a finance arrangement that is tailored to your company, and with our exclusive ŠKODA offers we can offer exceptionally competitive pricing.
Our collection of business finance options include:
We are continually updating our pricing to meet the demands of the market, so please check back every once in a whilst.
Covering some of the latest ŠKODA models on the road, our business offers can help you stand out on the road and make the right first impression when you arrive at meetings or conferences.
Explore the current ŠKODA business offers from Furrows Ltd by browsing the links below. If you have any questions or want to organise a test drive, don’t hesitate to contact us today. You can give us a call, make an enquiry or book an appointment with a business expert at any of our showrooms.